Friday, April 3, 2009

Dreamspirit's New Arena Video (3v3 TR WoW Arena Feral Druid and Others vs. Various: (Video #1))

I've been making WoW/Arena/PvP videos for quite awhile now, and started up on YouTube a little over a year ago when I was crawling around in the 1600s and looking to improve. Since then, I've gotten a lot better and have done videos with tips, play-by-plays, commentary, you name it, and I really, REALLY enjoy the "community" that's sprung up there, and I enjoy helping others (when RL isn't kicking my rear).

Anyway: I've always loved Machinima, and a video or two ago I took a few tentative steps into looking into how to do it. For some reason with this video I just made, the itch to learn hit me harder than ever and I found myself toiling away trying to "animate" via small clips. Somewhere along the way I thought it would be neat if I tried to put some voices to the characters, and therein.... Remedi got dragged into this.

Ideas shared and dialogue and scenes and motivation refined in the early AM hours? I'd have it no other way. :) Even if you guys aren't into Arena, you might want to check out the first minute and a half or so so you can hear Remedi doing an impersonation of a Canadian, female Tauren.

The High Quality will take another hour or two to finish processing, but the low-quality is up on YouTube in the meantime. :) I spent a ton of time audio-editing the beginning (foley too!) so I'm looking forward to when the HQ version is available. Enjoy!

Once it's finished processing, the HQ version should be available here: 3v3 TR WoW Arena Feral Druid and Others vs. Various: (Video #1)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dreamspirit, when will u "release" next pvp/arena vid as resto ? =)