Well, the last week has certainly been a busy one. I think I was one of the few PvPers I know that opted out of "taking advantage" of the Arena-Bug that suddenly skyrocketed some teams to inordinately high numbers just because, well, I didn't see a point. Something in the match was obviously broken, and 1600s teams suddenly being at 2800s? .... No.
A lot "broken" here and there with the patch as well. A friendly hunter FDing, will sometimes drop my target (@$&@$), which reminds me of the old days of WoW when this was how it was in Season 1 and part of Season 2. Shadowmeld seems to not be "working" either, with a sort of built-in lag preventing Shadowmeld --> Swift Flight Form, and a lack of dropping combat in some PvE Encounters and Bosses as well, not to mention a sudden lack of PvP use. :-/ With the right timing, I could feign off an incoming cast, or read as "immune" to a single enemy player spell if I cast Shadowmeld at the right moment during their cast, but.... no more. I don't even know what direction this is headed: if it's a nerf, or a glitch, but it certainly does make my racial poor at the moment.
This week's Arena, when I finally -did- run it over the weekend was a polite mixed-bag. Twos were solid, and then we made the mistake of playing too long (read: into the wee morning hours), and tanking our rating. There's always next week, though. Moreover I'm still iffy about the new system, which basically is not a "zero sum" calculation. Mostly we were winning say, 5-7 points for a win, and the losing team was losing about 4-6 on average. To some extent this gives people that throw themselves into Arena a little pat on the back because you have to steadily chug along to move up, and the slip-ups aren't as soul-crushing (27-29 point losses can HURT), but it still takes a darn lot longer to go anywhere.
Sunday-Night threes, at least, went a lot better and more than made up for 2s. I think I've tried ever spec imaginable and every playstyle to boot to make an awkward mixing of DK+Druid+Hunter work competitively, to little avail. We just didn't have the synergy. Luckily, with the last patch, our hunter went from 2xBM+Readiness to a nice Survival build, allowing for better switches, peels, CC, etc., that I felt it might be worth a go on my part to try a Heavy Resto (16/0/55) build and play it "old School." ;)
At the end of the night, some 53 games later, we went 37-16, bringing us up to be ranking number #163 of 35,000+ teams on BG9. Not bad at all. :)
I honestly hadn't had much luck in 3s this season as a Heavy Resto build in part because I am still subject to a fast gib, and I really, really need solid peels since I don't have the "outs" of other healing classes at the moment. I ran with around 800ish Resil, and a Hybrid Balance and Resto set for the extra +50 Resil (collecting all those damn sets comes in handy sometimes!), and tried to be really vocal about both when I needed help, and to also be aware of not putting myself too close to the "Action." Sometimes that "one" extra Cyclone just isn't worth getting into Intercept Range of that watchful Warrior. ;)
On the whole though: we made it work. Heavy hotting, and incredibly heavy direct heals (<3 Nourish) helped. Which makes me really excited for next week.
While I think the Mage "buff" was a step in the wrong direction, and that Rogues still need a little nerf for PvP, generally, most every fight felt potentially winnable against most comps last night. PMR was probably the trickiest, but we still won a few.
The note that was a weird touch of sadness/joy was the entire lack of Druids. In about 120+ games of threes in the last 3 weeks, I've seen about 3 Moonkin, about 5 Ferals, one Resto/Feral Hybrid, and -0- Heavy Resto Druids. :-/ It felt good to almost "represent" what can feel like a struggling breed, but I have high hopes things will even out a bit more as Paladin healing dominance is addressed. I can assure you, even the Rets feel more in "line" with things, and that changes are heading in the right direction.
Still: Happy Monday. :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
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I don't really mind our low survivability when we are getting beat on by 2-3 DPS. I can usually survive just one dps no problem. I am only doing 2s at the moment, and we don't lose often. The thing that bothers me is that if I stop healing for a few global cooldowns, or I drop tree form to cast wrath once me or my teamate dies. In Season 4, which was the only season I actually did arena in, I could get off some offensive casts. Maybe even a starfire during a good cyclone root session on a warrior. Now if I try to do anything other than survive I either have to use nature swiftness or get a pally bubble.
I know if they nerf anyones dps, or buff any helers survivability we are going to go back to 1 hour matches every time you face a team with a healer, but if we had a little bit more survivability then maybe we could switch up our play a little more and at least moonfire every once in a while. The only thing it does right now is mess up my partners Repentence and get me way behind on my healing race.
I tried out a new spec today considering the changes. we faced 3 different Holy Pally DK teams, and I truly enjoyed this new spec.
Against a truly bad DK I never went OOM or even came close. Against a decent DK I came very close to OOM, and against a very annoying DK I did go OOM. I managed to last a good 20 seconds as OOM before Innervate was off cooldown. My Ret pally friend Bubbled me and landed a clutch Holy Light in that time. I played the good DK a few times, and Discovered that if I cannot get away to drink for at least 5 seconds I will go OOM. That is a very fine line between infinite survivability and death.
I call this build Full Resto with a cheap Nourish
I know the points in Natue's Grace could possibly be a waste, but with 15% crit on Nourish I thought it might be better than Replenish.
Yeah, I've found similarly for twos (and threes) when I going Resto-Dominant: you really HAVE TO keep rolling hots, because the moment you stop to try to Cyclone or use a GCD, sometimes it can doom a match. :-/ It makes me miss my Rogue + Restokin era a lot, since I enjoyed swapping to a DPS role in a pinch, but that's really hard to pull off without putting you or your partner at risk atm it seems. :-/
I hope we get a touch more survivability, but I am definitely with you on the potential risks. I just am amazed at what pallies and priests can pull off (in terms of survivability), and that most Resto Shaman I have seen have time to toss totems/shock when I get little time for offensive play if I'm going full-resto. Ah well.
That build there looks really similar to what I use in 3s at the moment, the difference for me is:
- No brambles (a waste unless you are Balance, imho.)
- 2/2 in Nature's Reach (Since it impacts, most importantly, Cyclone, Root, and FF)
- I did 0/5 Tranquil Spirit and instead went
- 5/5 in Regrowth (in part because it's attached to my NS atm, and because I've been finding time to sneak in more inside feigns)
- I picked up Living Seed 3/3 and Empowered Touch 2/2 and Dropped Living Spirit 3/3. The Living Spirit just wasn't boosting my +healing or MP5 enough to be worth it to me (I rarely run oom, the fights are too fast), and I've seen both living seed and Touch save folks. +40% healing to a heal is HUGE. I have it glyphed so I can pump out a ton of HTs to keep someone under distress up. :) But that might also be a playstyle thing.
One of these days I need to link my builds. I have them as screenshots, but they're not up elsewhere online. Iep!
And Replenish is horrible. There is development talk of changing it, though. I never spec into it in either PvE -or- PvP.
Yeah the Brambles thing is a theme for my team. If melee takes 360 everytime they hit me from thorn, and an extra 260 or so from ret aura then I can kill pets and rogues by hiding LoS from their healer if they stop paying attention for a second, and it also helps us prepare a switch from my ret pally chasing the healer to stunning the healer and blowing up the dps that is at half life. Against Priests and Shaman it probably won't work, but since I only do 2s right now it works pretty good. You should see us fight dual rogues. It is hilarious.
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