In a random gripe: one of My HDDs seems to have failed. It wasn't life-critical stuff, but it was one of the larger storage drives where I put my "minor-moderate importance" files. Which just so happened to include a lot of raw FRAPs matches from Season 4 through the beginning of Season 5. ;_; Nothing worth crying over, certainly, but that means the 2-2.1k+ matches of Boomkin+Rogue and Feral+Rogue are lost to the wind, especially since those two particular rogues have retired. :-/ It's sad when great comrades retire, even moreso when there seems to be a shortage of skilled players of a particular class (that aren't already tied to other partners).
I keep hoping one of them will come back, and I was hoping to at least put up some Feral or Boomkin footage since I have hardly any up on YouTube, but it seems as if it's not to be. Ah well. I miss those matches. :-/ After the endurance matches of S3, those were a nice change.
Did 30 games today since htey reopened arena. We won 20 lost 11. We were at 1647 due to some really drunken play and a lot of DKS, and we founght our way back up to 1770. We only got at most 9 points a win, but usually 6. And when you lose you lose half the points that the enemy team gains.
Normally I would think this is some new arena thing blizz is trying, except now my personal rating is 40 behind my team rating. Are they going to roll back again? I hope not, but I sure do hope they fix the problem with personal ratings.
I am totally down for the non "zero sum" competition, but I have a heavy feeling it's less about losses and wins, and more about the initial week kind of artificially pushing us to out "Hidden Rating" based on some of what I've seen. MOST of the time it was either "Winner wins +X points, Loser loses X-(1-3)," but there were definitely some games I saw where teams also won/lost the same, or the Loser lost a ton more than the winner gained. It's all very strange, that's for sure!
The Personal rating, however, I am totally with you. I started about 5 points from the personal on one team, and dead on the TR on another team, and after the night was over, I was lagging at LEAST 20 points behind on both. :-/ That is really screwed up, and I'm not sure how they are going to address it, but I hope they do.
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