Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Flawless Victors in 5v5s

5v5s Progress:

- New Team Peak of 2056 (!)
- Peak of #7 on Tich
- Peak of #17 on BG9 (I'm the #2 Primary Line-up Moonkin in 5s on BG9!)
- Peak of #257 Globally
- Last night we went 15-0 and earned "Hot Hot Hot Streak!" (10 consecutive wins in a row above 2k rating), which gave us shiny new titles. :D I'm so proud of how we've come together!

To celebrate, I called the night early and we headed somewhere more scenic ...

We're on a Boat! (see:

There will be a video to follow in the next week or so. >_>

So incredibly rewarding leading this team. :) People are so great with keeping me updated on their schedules so we can make sure to get in two solid nights' worth per week. ;_; I LOVE YOU GUYS!

BTW: The tournament realms will be coming up in a few weeks and I'll be over there, I suspect. There is an armored murloc pet to be had (!!!) so he must thusly be obtained!

(I'm on a BOAT!)


Anonymous said...

Good job! What comp/s will you be running in the arena tournament?

suwarkal said...

Believe me when I say, I... really look up to you.

You're about as lovely as they come!

Good luck in the future hun! :)

Anonymous said...

Whats up how come you havent updated since 10th feb?

K. LeCrone said...

Anonymous #1:

On the Arena Tournament we're running Feral Druid (me), Resto Shaman, and Survival Hunter. It's not terribly competitive, but we're having fun and hope to get a pet and perhaps a title out of it. Most of us seem rather pressed for time, so even edging in the 200 games might be a bit of a stretch this month.

K. LeCrone said...


Aww, why thank you. :) That means a lot to me, and the very best luck to you in the future as well!

K. LeCrone said...

Anonymous #2

Crazed busy-ness, mostly. ;_; I put up a post explaining a little of it just now, so apologies for the delay. I hadn't realized it had been so long since I'd put up an update. iep!